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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Choose Your Best Pc

How to select a computer definition - computer

The primary decision criteria for selecting a personal computer are:

1. PC, Mac or Linux
2. Ergonomics
3. Desktop or Laptop
4. Where to buy

PC, Mac or Linux?

The first decision is whether to purchase a Windows PC, a Macintosh or a Linux machine. It is estimated that Windows has approximately 92% of the desktop market; Mac has 5% and Linux 3%.

The single advantage of the Windows world is the huge number of PC vendors and software applications to choose from. You can buy a PC from big companies such as Dell, HP, IBM and Gateway as well as from countless small dealers.

For the Macintosh, software is available that may very well satisfy all your requirements. Apple continues to be a player due to its innovative technology and fiercely loyal customer base. The two primary drawbacks of the Mac are (1) new applications are designed for Windows first, and maybe for the Mac later, and (2) there may be difficulty if you have to swap certain kinds of data back and forth between Windows users. Compatibility problems are often easily solved; nevertheless, it may be an issue if you plan on using your Mac in a Windows environment.

A Linux PC is a standard PC running the Linux operating system. Although all primary applications are available for Linux, as of 2007 there is no comparison to Windows or Mac in number of titles. Linux desktops are aimed at two ends of the market: the knowledgeable IT professional and the home user with limited funds. While this may sound contradictory, installing Linux requires supporting a Unix environment. This appeals to both individuals and organizations who have the required technical skills and choose to not run Windows.

On the other hand, the Linux-based Linspire operating system (formerly Lindows) is aimed at complete novices and is installed with basic applications on several low-cost, off-the-shelf machines (see Linspire).

Recommended Minimum Windows Configuration
  For General Business Use

  OS           Vista Business
  CPU          Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
  Expansion    PCI Express, USB 2.0
  RAM          2GB
  Hard disk    180GB
  Optical      8x DVD drive Dual Format (-RW/+RW)
  Screen       17" (1024x768)

  Recommended Minimum Windows Configuration
  For CAD, Imaging and Desktop Publishing

  OS           Vista Home Premium
  CPU          Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
  Expansion    PCI Express, USB 2.0, FireWire
  RAM          4GB
  Hard disk    240GB
  Optical      8x DVD drive Dual Format (-RW/+RW)
  Screen       21" (1280x1024 to 1600x1200)

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